Proportion estimated using the MLE and confidence intervals based the asymptotic distribution of the estimator.

  gamma = 0.05,
  alpha = 0,
  beta = 0,
  alpha0 = 0,
  V = NULL,



A numeric that provides the number of participants in the survey sample that were tested positive with both (medical) testing devices (and are, thus, members of the sub-population).


A numeric that provides the number of participants in the survey sample that are tested positive only with the second testing device.


A numeric that provides the sample size.


A numeric that provides the prevalence or proportion of people (in the whole population) who are positive, as measured through a non-random, but systematic sampling (e.g. based on medical selection).


A numeric that is used to compute a (1 - gamma) confidence region for the proportion. Default value is 0.05.


A numeric that provides the False Negative (FN) rate for the sample R. Default value is 0.


A numeric that provides the False Positive (FP) rate for the sample R. Default value is 0.


A numeric that corresponds to the probability that a random participant has been incorrectly declared positive through the nontransparent procedure. In most applications, this probability is likely very close to zero. Default value is 0.


A numeric that corresponds to the average of squared sampling weights. Default value is NULL and for the moment this method is currently only implemented for random sampling.


Additional arguments.


A cpreval object with the structure:

  • estimate: Estimated proportion.

  • sd: Estimated standard error of the estimator.

  • ci_asym: Asymptotic confidence interval at the 1 - gamma confidence level.

  • gamma: Confidence level (i.e. 1 - gamma) for confidence intervals.

  • method: Estimation method (in this case marginal mle).

  • measurement: A vector with (alpha0, alpha, beta).

  • beta0: Estimated false negative rate of the official procedure.

  • ci_beta0: Asymptotic confidence interval (1 - gamma confidence level) for beta0.

  • boundary: A boolean variable indicating if the estimates falls at the boundary of the parameter space.

  • pi0: Value of pi0 (input value).

  • sampling: Type of sampling considered ("random" or "weighted").

  • V: Average sum of squared sampling weights if weighted/stratified is used (otherwise NULL).

  • n: Sample size.

  • avar_beta0: Estimated asymptotic variance of beta0

  • ...: Additional parameters


Stephane Guerrier, Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser, Christoph Kuzmics


# Samples without measurement error
X = sim_Rs(theta = 3/100, pi0 = 1/100, n = 1500, seed = 18)
conditional_mle(R1 = X$R1, R2 = X$R2, R3 = X$R3, R4 = X$R4, n = X$n, pi0 = X$pi0)
#> Method: Conditional MLE
#> Estimated proportion: 3.2061%
#> Standard error      : 0.3792%
#> Confidence interval at the 95% level:
#> Asymptotic Approach: 2.4629% - 3.9494%
#> Assumed measurement error: alpha  = 0%, beta = 0%,
#>                            alpha0 = 0% 
#> Estimated false negative rate of the
#> official procedure: beta0 = 68.81%
#> CI at the 95% level: 61.58% - 76.04%
#> Estimated ascertainment rate: 
#> pi0/pi = 31.19%
#> CI at the 95% level: 23.96% - 38.42%
#> Sampling: Random

# With measurement error
X = sim_Rs(theta = 30/1000, pi0 = 10/1000, n = 1500, alpha0 = 0.001,
alpha = 0.01, beta0 = 0.05, beta = 0.05, seed = 18)
marginal_mle(R1 = X$R1, R3 = X$R3, n = X$n, pi0 = X$pi0)
#> Method: Marginal MLE
#> Estimated proportion: 3.6683%
#> Standard error      : 0.4160%
#> Confidence interval at the 95% level:
#> Asymptotic Approach: 2.8528% - 4.4837%
#> Assumed measurement error: alpha  = 0%, beta = 0%,
#>                            alpha0 = 0% 
#> Estimated false negative rate of the
#> official procedure: beta0 = 72.74%
#> CI at the 95% level: 66.68% - 78.80%
#> Estimated ascertainment rate: 
#> pi0/pi = 27.26%
#> CI at the 95% level: 21.20% - 33.32%
#> Sampling: Random
marginal_mle(R1 = X$R1, R3 = X$R3, n = X$n, pi0 = X$pi0,
alpha0 = 0.001, alpha = 0.01, beta0 = 0.05, beta = 0.05)
#> Method: Marginal MLE
#> Estimated proportion: 2.6910%
#> Standard error      : 0.4433%
#> Confidence interval at the 95% level:
#> Asymptotic Approach: 1.8223% - 3.5598%
#> Assumed measurement error: alpha  = 1%, beta = 5%,
#>                            alpha0 = 0.1% 
#> Estimated false negative rate of the
#> official procedure: beta0 = 66.46%
#> CI at the 95% level: 55.66% - 77.25%
#> Estimated ascertainment rate: 
#> pi0/pi = 33.54%
#> CI at the 95% level: 22.75% - 44.34%
#> Sampling: Random